Our Chamber

Business Sector

AFRY operates in Brazil under the Pöyry brand.

Pöyry Brazil brings together international and local expertise to develop consulting and engineering projects for many different sectors of the economy.

Operating in the Brazilian market since 1969, Pöyry is an international engineering, design and consulting company, which operates in various industrial sectors, including pulp & paper, energy, mining & metals, forest-based industries, food and infrastructure.

What makes Pöyry stand out is that it seamlessly combines the knowledge and close collaboration of its professionals in Brazil and abroad with teams of customers and suppliers to offer intelligent, effective, profitable and sustainable solutions. Its broad portfolio of services covers all stages of a project, from its development and implementation, to support during its operation. Pöyry has proven expertise, a multidisciplinary team and a sound understanding of the strategies, markets and technologies available to enable the successful implementation of even the most diverse projects.


Fabio Fonseca, Country Manager Brazil

Phone Number
+55 11 3472-6955
Business Address
Avenida Alfredo Egídio de Souza Aranha, 100 – Bloco B - 5o Andar
São Paulo - SP
Avant Tecno

Avant Tecno is the world's leading manufacturer of high-class compact loaders with their accessories and options. The company was founded in 1991 and over the years has become a concept thanks to its various innovative solutions. The Avant factory is located in Ylöjärvi, Finland. Avant has sales offices in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom and Brazil and import partners in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Phone Number
+55 12 996 344 272
Business Address
Avant Tecno do Brasil Máquinas e Equipamentos Ltda
Rodovia Geraldo Scavone 2730, Jardim Califórnia, Jacareí, SP, Brasil

Business Finland

Business Finland is the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, investment, and travel promotion. Business Finland has 40+ offices globally dedicated to supporting businesses around the world.

As a part of the Team Finland Network, Business Finland fosters growth by helping Finnish businesses go global and by supporting and funding innovations. Their task in Brazil is to build bridges and win-win partnerships between private companies and government organizations from both countries to generate new lucrative business. Services are designed for companies aiming for bold business growth and renewal on international markets.

Business Finland office in Brazil offers free-of-charge services for internationalization in the following areas:

Advice for global growth and target market;
Access to business contacts and group visits;
Advice on local business culture and behaviour;
Market information (studies, opportunities).



Advisor (Energy, Bioeconomy, General Market Advice)
Sao Paolo, Brazil
natalia.araujo (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 93354-6015


Senior Advisor (Health, ICT, Mining, General Market Advice)
Sao Paolo, Brazil
joao.bordon (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 93372-6007


Senior Advisor
Sao Paulo, Brazil
marcelo.guimaraes (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 9811 73780


Senior Advisor (Bioeconomy, ICT, General Market Advice)
Sao Paolo, Brazil
matti.landin (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 12 99744-4762


Senior Director, Head of Region
Sao Paolo, Brazil
heidi.virta (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 97851-8118


Talent Manager
Sao Paolo, Brazil
alessandra.leone (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 9439 65487

Phone Number
+55 12 9 9744 4762
Business Address
Business Finland Brazil
Alameda Ministro Rocha Azevedo, 38, Conjunto 204 – Cerqueira César
CEP: 01410-001 – São Paulo, SP

Sao José dos Campos
Carlos De Figueiredo Neto

Carlos is a seasoned leader who has more than 20 years of global Business to Business experience in telecommunications, information technology and renewable energy industries. He has been based in Finland since 1998.

He holds dual citizenship, Finnish and Brazilian. He acquired two Master´s degrees: M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration / Finance (University of Oulu / Finland) and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering / Computer Architecture (University of São Paulo / Brazil). 

Throughout his career, Carlos has led large projects and business covering:

• Technology product strategy and sales development

• New technology business development

• Strategic and business development engagements with high profile corporate executives (Directors, SVPs, CTOs, CIOs and CEOs)

• Profit & Loss

• Change management

Phone Number
+358 40 8052088
Embassy of Brazil in Helsinki

The Embassy of Brazil in Helsinki is the main diplomatic representation of the government and the people of Brazil in Finland. It has jurisdiction over the territory of Finland.


Ambassador Luís Antonio Balduíno Carneiro

Phone Number
+358 (0) 9 684 1500
Business Address
Itäinen Puistotie 4 B 1 Helsinki - Finland / Suomi
Embassy Of Finland
Business Sector

The Finnish embassies and consulates are generally located around the world promote the interests of Finland and Finns abroad. The embassy is handling the general political tasks and they are working with the official tasks.

In addition, they are an integral part of the network of Finnish activities in the host country.

The missions handle, among others:

foreign policy
trade policy
development cooperation
Finland’s representation in other countries and international organizations
public diplomacy
consular services
citizens’ services.


Jouko Leinonen, Ambassador

Phone Number
+55 61 344 371 51
Business Address
Avenida das Nações
SES-Qd 807, Lt 27
70417-900, Brasília, DF
Business Sector

Evac is the world’s leading provider of integrated water and waste management systems, as well as corrosion-protection systems, for the marine, offshore, and building industries. Evac is the world’s leading provider of vacuum collection systems, wastewater treatment systems, fresh water generation systems, dry and wet waste treatment systems, marine growth prevention systems, and corrosion protection systems. Their cutting-edge solutions and services have been helping leading global players in these industries to significantly reduce their environmental footprint for 40 years.
Cyril Bernard

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 11 96202-0511
Email Address
Business Address
Alameda Campinas, 463
01404-902,Jardim Paulista, SP

Foreign Business Development (FbD) aims to prepare, monitor and, eventually, manage branches of companies interested in developing in the Brazilian market for foreign companies, and abroad for Brazilian companies. FbD, with fifty years of experience, implementing and managing industries, commercial and/or service companies, in multiple sectors, knows how to customize its work to the needs of its customers and the peculiarities of each market, counting when necessary with partners in over 40 countries.

The company has in its portfolio projects from the most varied sectors such as chemistry for health; electronics for satellites, aeronautics and submarines; technology transfer (computers; automobile sector); luxury textile industry; logistics ; tourism (construction of a marina); testing laboratory ; business consulting ; engineering ; construction ; sanitation ; film production; bakery and winemaking; between others.



Jean-Pierre Bernard

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 (11) 5181-6811 +55 (11) 99221-7556
Fernando Campos

Fernando Campos is a senior executive with over 27 years of experience, working in Finnish multinationals in Latin America (AGCO/Valtra and PONSSE). At PONSSE, he worked from the company’s inception in Brazil and Latin America, establishing and consolidating local operations, and has extensive experience in the agroforestry sector.

He holds a postgraduate degree in Business Administration from EASP – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, with an international extension from Cambridge University.

Phone Number
+55 11 91739-1602
Finnish Consulate in São Paulo
Business Sector

The Finnish mbassies and consulates are generally located around the world promote the interests of Finland and Finns abroad. The embassy is handling the general pollical tasks and they are working with the official tasks.

Consular missions refer to consulates general, consulates, and offices under the administration of a consulate general, headed by a career official, or honorary consulates, led by an honorary consul.

In addition, they are an integral part of the network of Finnish activities in the host country.



Lasse Keisalo, Consulate of Finland

Phone Number
+55 11 97732 3777
Business Address
Alameda Ministro Rocha Azevedo, 38 Conj. 203
Bela Vista
01410-001 São Paulo - SP
Geraldo Leite Hertz

Personal Information:

Name: Geraldo Leite Hertz

Date of Birth: Dec-18-1979

Nationality: Brazilian

Address: Rua Comendador Azevedo, 224

90220-150 –Porto Alegre – Brasil

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 55-51-3346.8488

Marital States: Married



Graduate of Business Administration – emphasis on entrepreneurship and succession, at PUC-RS


Additional Education:

Course in human resources – USEN (SEBRAE Business School)

PADE - Unisinos (Executive Development Program)


Professional Experience:

Director and shareholder of Kley Hertz Farmaceutica S/A

Consul Honorario da Finlandia em Porto Alegre



English – Intermediate

Spanish – Intermediate


Additional Information:

Mamber of EO (Entrepreneurs' Organization)

Gilberto Azevedo Lima

Lawyer, OAB/PE 9.220

National and international practice in the areas of Customs, Tax, Business and Foreign Trade Law.

Consul of Finland in Brazil, with jurisdiction in the states of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte.

Founder and current president of the Customs Law and Foreign Trade Commission of OAB/PE.

Author or co-author of articles with legal, economic and/or geopolitical content published in digital media and widely circulated press.

Born in Recife/PE, on July 9, 1962.

Son of Gileno Inocêncio Lima, RFB tax auditor, and Maria Auxiliadora de Azevedo Lima, plastic artist, both of whom are now deceased.

From January 1980, he started, simultaneously, the Law course at the traditional Recife Faculty of Law, an institution of the Federal University of Pernambuco, and the Economics course at the Faculty of Human Sciences of Recife/PE.

He held the position of Secretary of the Parliamentary Cabinet of the Federal Chamber of Deputies, providing services of Cabinet of Federal Deputy in Pernambuco.

He attended a university extension course in Political Science at the National University of Brasília.

He worked as a parliamentary assistant in the National Constituent Assembly that culminated in the promulgation of the Constitution of the Republic in 1988.

He founded and was the first secretary of the Pernambuco Business Lawyers Association – AAEPE

He was legal director of the Pernambuco Commercial Association for twelve years.

He was the holder of the Port Authority Council of the Port of Suape, in Pernambuco, for twelve years.

In 2006 he received the Trophy for "Best Customs Lawyer in Brazil", in São Paulo, chosen in a public opinion poll in entities linked to Foreign Trade.

In 2006 he received the "Anita Garibaldi Trophy", in Rio Grande do Sul, in recognition of his legal services.

In 2006 he received the "Pride of Pernambuco Trophy", in commemoration of the 180th anniversary of Jornal Diário de Pernambuco.

In 2007 he received the "Troféu Guerreiro", from the newspaper "O Eco do Vale", from the city of Bento Gonçalves / RS.

In 2008, he received the "Medal of Merit José Mariano", from the City Council of Recife.

He is Commander of the "Order of Consular Merit", awarded by the Consular Corps of Brazil.

He is Knight Templar Hospitaller of the Order of Saint Thomas of Acre of England.

He is a cattleman and honorary citizen of the Municipality of Chã Grande, in Pernambuco.

Henrique Soárez

Henrique Soárez is Honorary Consul of Finland in Fortaleza – CE. He graduated in Electricity Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (1995) and has an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management (2000).

He began his professional career as a strategy consultant. During his 5 years with McKinsey & Company he served clients from various industries and functions in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico and Canada. Since 2005 Henrique acts as head of operations for a private school and college in Fortaleza.

He is fluent in Portuguese and English and conversational in Spanish. Henrique is married and father to 3 daughters.


Hobeco is a Vaisala partner that provides meteorological monitoring technology, adaptable to all types of climates. Hobeco operates in aviation, meteorology, hydrology, renewable energy and many other industries. Hobeco services include equipment integration, installation and maintenance, systems and stations, software and hardware training, and preventive maintenance. Vaisala’s reliable and economical systems and technologies have been implemented all over the world.
Gilson Lima Feitosa, Diretor

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 21 2518-2237
Email Address
Business Address
Ladeira Me. de Deus, 13
20221-090 Gamboa
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Huhtamaki is is a global packaging specialist that focuses on making circular and sustainable packaging. The company operates in 36 countries around world manufacturing a wide range of packaging products.  Their products include packaging for food, beverages, household and personal care items among many other products.

Huhtamaki has a plant that produces fiber packaging in Palmeira City.  They also operate trough their subsidiary Laminor, that focuses on producing tube laminates for the oral and beauty care market in North and South America.
Daniel Winocur, General Manager

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 - (0) 41 3661 1297 ou +55 42 3252 8000
Business Address
BR-376, KM 67 - Pavilhão 2
84130-000 Palmeira, PR
Business Sector

ICEYE is a world leader in the New Space segment. The company manufactures and operates the largest SAR constellation in the world, empowering its commercial and government customers with unmatched persistent monitoring capabilities for any location on Earth.

ICEYE’s technology delivers multi-mode imaging and unrivaled coverage, both day and night, in any weather condition.

We help our customers to make informed, data-driven decisions to address time-critical challenges in multiple sectors such as environment, mining, oil & gas, forestry, natural catastrophe response and recovery, security, defense and intelligence.

ICEYE sells SAR data, mission systems and solutions to Governments, national agencies and to the private sector. The company has a growing reputation for delivering innovation and real value to its customers.

Headquartered in Espoo, Finland, ICEYE has a dedicated team based in Brazil to serve its growing Latin American customer base.

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 61 99256 9794
Business Address
No physical office in Brazil
Jan R. E. Jarne

Jan held several executive positions with major US and UK banks and was Director of International of Banco Itau. He left international banking to co-found Brazil’s second-largest metals trading and mining group with global reach and developed Brazil’s first concession granted to consortium of hydropower self-producers.

Subsequently, he founded Invest Partners, a cross-border M&A and private equity investment advisory boutique. He participated in the Government’s privatization program and the country’s largest bankruptcy reorganization. He also made investments in start-up ventures.

Member on several Boards of companies and foundations and certified by Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. Holds MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management and B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Massachusetts. He is H. Consul General Emeritus of Finland in São Paulo.



Phone Number
(11) 98346-3639
João Augusto Lobato Rodrigues

João Augusto Lobato Rodrigues


João Augusto Lobato Rodrigues is an executive of the Líder group, partner of Rio das Flores EP Ltda., partner of the São João holding e Participações Ltda., economist graduated from the University of the Amazon, a specialist in Price Management by Provar / USP, holds an MBA from FGV / RJ in Business Management and Marketing, Master (MSc) in Natural Resources and Local Development in the Amazon by NUMA /UFPA and PHD in Administration from the PPAD of the University of the Amazon – UNAMA. Researcher at the Gesdel Research Group – Local Management and Development – UNAMA / Brazil.


Phone Number
(91) 8417-4777
Email Address
João Bordon

João Bordon

Career civil servant and policy specialist with 10+ years of experience in public policy-related fields across different industries. Brazil-based Senior Advisor of Business Finland.

Certificate in Governability, Political Management, and Public Management from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP)/Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). Extension courses at Saint Paul Business School and Aalto University.


Phone Number
(021 11) 98942-2882
Luiz Henrique Pereira da Fonseca

Luiz Henrique Pereira da Fonseca is an ambassador, graduated with a bachelor's degree in Legal and Social Sciences from the Faculdade Nacional de Direito and as a diplomat from the Rio Branco Institute, in 1968. After 47 years of diplomatic career, 21 of which as ambassador, he retired in October 2015, aged 70. At the Itamaraty headquarters, initially in Rio de Janeiro and later in Brasília, he worked in both political and economic sectors, before being director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency. Abroad, he served in the following Posts:

(1) mission with the OAS, in Washington, from 1972 to 1974;
(2) delegation to the UN, in Geneva, from 1974 to 1979;
(3) embassy in Santiago, from 154 1979 to 1981;
(4) representation in London from 1983 to 1987;
(5) Embassy in Lisbon, from 1990 to 1994, when he was promoted to ambassador;
(6) Embassy in São Salvador, from 1995 to 2000;
(7) Embassy in Helsinki, from 2001 to 2006;
(8) consulate general in Milan, from 2008 to 2012;
(9) Consulate General in Istanbul from 2012 to 2015, when he retired.

It is considered that diplomats, servants of the State and not of the governments in turn, should have as their basic orientation the Constitution and the UN Charter, and as their main task to try to increase the power of Brazil in the concert of nations, in a way that always responsible and pragmatic. Author of the book IMO, political vision of a specialized agency of the United Nations, published by FUNAG.

Honarary awards: Order of Rio Branco, Grand Cross; Lion Order of Finland, Grand Cross; José Matias Delgado Order of El Salvador, Grand Cross; Order Infante Don Henrique of Portugal, Grand Officer; Order Liberator San Martin of Argentina, Grand Officer; Order Bernardo O'Higgins of Chile, Grand Officer

Marcos Jarne

Marcos Jarne

Marcos Jarne has more than 15 years of experience in law practice and in business deals (fintech, banking, capital markets, M&A, VC/PE investments).

Marcos has worked in prominent law firms in Brazil (Pinheiro Neto, Machado Meyer) and in Europe (Spain, Italy). His work experience includes the family office and venture capital firm of investors who control international companies (publicly traded and privately held) as well as Nubank, a leading fintech in Latin America.

Law degree from PUC-SP (Brazil) and postgraduate studies in finance at Insper (Brazil). Executive Education at Harvard Law School and at MIT.



Maxwill Braga

Max holds a master's degree in Finland, he studied Education and Globalization at the University of Oulu in 2010-12. He graduated in International Relations from the University of Brasilia. He has experience with facilitation; implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational programs; management of projects; and team leadership. From 2014-2016 he coordinated the Finnish program muuvit.com in Brazil that reached 20.000 students and 600 teachers.   
Also in 2014, he became part of the Lemann Foundation Talents of Education network in Brazil. He is a member of the international community of Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations. In 2018, he carried out a traineeship as an associated facilitator in the Organizational Performance Group in Connecticut USA. 
Currently, Max is the founder of Kaordico Facilitation. He leads AprenDi, which the main service is to co-create learning environments for organizations to improve how to work in a creative and collaborative way using the methodology Diagonal Learning. 
Max is also an artist. His heart beats faster for Drama and Theatrical Direction. He is also an amateur in painting and poetry.
For him: “… the human being is infinitely creative. It is a pity that formal education provides so little space for experimentation and creativity.”

Phone Number
(41) 9979 89799
Business Sector

Metso is a frontrunner in sustainable technologies, end-to-end solutions and services for the aggregates, minerals processing, metals refining and recycling industries globally. Metso is a unique company in its industry, with strengths in technology and R&D, product and process excellence, and scale, as well as its global service offering footprint. In Brazil, Metso Outotec has several locations and distributors that operate in mining, aggregates and metal refining.

Marcelo Motti, Vice president of Sales

Website Address
Phone Number
(15) 2102-1300
Business Address
Avenida Independência 2500
Bairro Iporanga
18087-101, Sorocaba, SP
Business Sector

Nokia is a telecommunication, information technology, and consumer electronics company. Nokia is committed to innovation and technology leadership across mobile, fixed and cloud networks.

In Brazil Nokia has two Advanced technology centers. Nokia also plays a key role in developing 5G and Industry 4.0 in Latin America. Nokia works together with their customers using artificial intelligence and automation and deploying high-performance connectivity with fiber, backbone, cloud and IoT technologies.



Fernando Hussni, Head of Sales

Phone Number
+55 11 98196-2981
Business Address
Rua Werner Von Siemens, 111
Prédio 19
05069-900, São Paulo, SP
Business Sector

Normet is a fast-growing and innovative technology company. Normet helps their mining and tunnelling partners to continuously improve their processes, increase the safety and productivity of their underground activities, and improve the sustainability of their operations. Their underground offering includes equipment, construction chemicals, rock reinforcement, and a range of different services.

Odilon Mendes, Managing Director

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 (31) 2511-9511
Business Address
Rua Clemente Aníbal Branco, 425
Dist. Ind. Dr Hélio Pentagna Guimarães
Contagem, Minas Gerais
32113-491 Contagem, MG
One Elevadores

ONE Elevadores has a national network for maintenance of elevators and escalators multi-brand market. Present in several states of Brazil.

KONE is the world's largest elevator manufacturer and has more than 1,500,000 pieces of equipment in its maintenance.Through ONE, its exclusive distributor in Brazil, it extends all this experience and technology to your condominium.

Phone Number
+55 0 61 3036 1112
Business Address
SHS Quadra 6 Conjunto A Bloco C Sala 702
Asa Sul Brasilia DF
CEP 70316-109
Patrícia Coutinho

Patrícia Coutinho is a lawyer and a journalist with vast experience in tax law, brazilian hospitality sector and diplomacy.
She is an Honorary Consul of Finland and Swedcham representative in Minas Gerais State and  current director of three associations: ABIH MG (Association of Hotels), ABRAJET (Association of Tourism Journalists) and the Consular Corps of Minas Gerais.
As a lawyer she works with business and tax law, in consultation as well as litigation, for large and nationwide known companies, unions and associations.
Former president of ABIH MG (Hotel Industry Association) during the most remarkable moment of tourism and sport in Brazil, she had the opportunity to assist in organizing major events together with ABIH members,FIFA, COI, Convention Bureau, Abrasel, ACMinas, CDL, Embassies,Secretary of State, BELOTUR, Ministry of Tourism, among many others
She holds a postgraduated degree in Tax Law from PUC/MG, an MBA in Business Economics from FGV/SC and an MBA in International Business with a focus on International Trade Management from ABRACOMEX.
She is also a columnist for “Diplomacy and Tourism” at Jornal MG Turismo. 

Phone Number
+55 (31) 98477-0534
Patrick Rajala

Patrick Rajala

Patrick Rajala is a Brazilian-Finnish associate lawyer at Pinheiro Neto Advogados based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has joined the firm in 2017. Patrick serves local and international clients from different industries and segments on tax consulting and litigation issues. He focuses his practice on tax and social security law issues in administrative and court disputes.

Patrick has a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Catholic University School of Law, Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), and is a Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro.


Phone Number
(21) 98227-1981

Pemamek is a global welding and production automation provider. The company is specialized in designing and manufacturing automated systems for heavy metal industries. Founded in 1970, the company is a family-owned limited company with solid finances (AAA-rated company).

Website Address
Phone Number
 +55 113442 4451
Business Address
Rua Alameda de Jequitibas 138 CEP 06542-275 Santana de Parnaíba, SP


Ponsse is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of forest machines. The product range covers all size categories of forest machines, from first thinning and the harvesting of forest energy to heavy-duty regeneration felling, as well as all logging sites, from soft soil to steep slopes. All the machines are manufactured in their factory located in Vierämä, Finland.



Fernando Campos, Managing Director

Website Address
Phone Number
+ 55 11 4795-4600
Business Address
R. Joaquim Nabuco, 115 - Vila Nancy
08735-120, Mogi das Cruzes
Business Sector

Pro4Edu is a nucleus of academics aimed to provide technological interaction to the classroom, through digital pedagogical resources developed by specialists around the world. Our pillars for the selection of digital applications are: a proven increase in student learning, professors' adherence to ease their daily activities, and the delivery of a superior value proposition to institutions, to increase student retention and acquisition. With that in mind we've chosen Finland as our main partner to bring solutions for the Brazilian market, so as to strengthen the Finnish recognition focused on education.


Alexandre Merofa - Director

Tel. +55 11 99393-4147

email address [email protected]

Maurício Rodrigues - Chefe de operações de negócios

tel. +55 (11) 99816-1145

email address [email protected]

Website Address
Business Address
Avenida Marquês de São Vicente 576 - 20 andar, conjunto 2008
01139-000 São Paulo
São Paulo - Brasil
Renato Pacheco Neto

Renato Pacheco Neto


President EUROCAMARAS-CAE, Chairman EBO-WWN, Honorary Consul General of Sweden, VP Yingke, LatAm BM Alliuris, Legal Affairs Director of Swedcham, Board Legal Advisor of Danish Trade Council.


Phone Number
(11) 98145-4395
Email Address
Samuli Seilonen

Samuli Seilonen

Samuli is currently the Area Sales Director for Latin America & the Caribbean at Mantsinen. Master of Science in International Business from the Helsinki School of Economics, Samuli has a consulting background with almost 15 years at Finpro (current Business Finland) in Spain, Portugal and Brazil. He is specialized in developing sales and distribution channels for Finnish companies in the Portuguese & Spanish speaking world.


Phone Number
(11) 99875-7662
Sergio Chamone

Sergio Chamone

Sergio Chamone: Honorary Consul General of Finland in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, President of Finncham Brazil and Tourism Ambassador of the State of Rio de Janeiro.  He was President of the Nordic Cultural Institute Brazil – Finland in the triennium 2011/14, Counselor of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro-FIRJAN (2006-2016) and of the Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro-ACRJ (2012-2017).  He is an entrepreneur in the IT sector, with extensive experience in networking and entrepreneurship.  Master in Production Engineering and graduated in Electrical Engineering both from PUC-RJ.  He was Co-founder and CEO of Logical Systems from 2004 to 2015. Logical was a pioneer in Brazil in the development of mobile technologies for Cell Phones, Smartphones, Tablets for corporate customers.  He worked from 1993 to 2001 at Xerox do Brasil, in the areas of Quality, Corporate Audit, Product Launch and Marketing.  He was one of the member on Xerox's successful participation in the 1993 National Quality Award and a member of the Xerox Mexico reengineering team.  In 2021, he received the Decoration: SOAMAR RIO (Sociedade de Amigos da Marinha do Rio de Janeiro) for his commitment to cooperation with the Brazilian Navy.


Phone Number

Techtools operates in a network model that gathers information about key health players, promoting business and partnerships in a win-win model for all actors in the chain. Techtools integrates healthcare value chain services and processes leading to the best innovations, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Their solutions personalize patient access and facilitate the connection of legacy systems with future technologies, ensuring efficient management vision, ecosystem governance and the installation of culture across the entire value chain.



Jeff Plentz, CEO

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 11 2495-3020
Business Address
R. Casa do Ator, 1.117,room 173, Vl. Olímpia
04546-004, São Paulo, SP

Tecnotree is the only full-stack digital BSS provider with over 40 years of deep domain knowledge, proven delivery and transformation capability across the globe. Tecnotree helps customers to monetize and transform their business towards a marketplace of digital services. Their products are used to establish a dynamic ecosystem that offers highly relevant solutions to people.



Armando Martinez, Vice President of
Regional LATAM

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 11 99212 0677
Business Address
Rua Vitorino de Morais, 139
Chácara Santo Antonio
04714-020 São Paulo, SP
Teresia Diana Lewe van Aduard de Macedo Soares

Short Bio of
Teresia Diana Lewe van Aduard de Macedo Soares, Ph D.

T. Diana Lewe van Aduard de Macedo Soares has been Honorary Consul General of Finland in the States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, Brazil, for 15 years (2005-2020).
She is professor of strategy of Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Puc-Rio), Department of Business Administration (since 1996; on leave as of April 2022).
Currently she is a researcher of the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq, PQ 1 since 2005), and Ambassador of Tourism of Rio de Janeiro State (appointed in 2019)
Diana was granted the title of Scientist of the State of Rio de Janeiro with projects funded by Faperj (2014 -2020).
She was also the coordinator of Business Administration and Economics fields at Faperj (Foundation in support of research in Rio de Janeiro State (2012-2018).
Previously, she worked as visiting professor of strategy at the Helsinki School of Economics, Finland (1981-1987).
She is author/coauthor of 4 books and 81 research papers in scientific journals in the fields of strategy, strategic alliances and networks, innovation and sustainability..Also, she presented around 132 scientific papers at international conferences and has been awarded several Best Paper Awards at some of these conferences.
As professor she supervised hundred and six doctoral and master dissertations/theses..
In 1981 she obtained a multidisciplinary Doctoral/ Ph D degree with the highest distinction from the University of Montreal, Canada. Later she completed a summer course for Professors at Harvard Business School.
In the beginning of her professional life she worked at Carven France, as well as Mead Johnson, France and later as consultant at Gordon Clements Associates in Canada while doing her postgraduate studies. She also did some consulting for IBM Brasil.
Diana has received several awards and prizes, among others from the Pontifical Catholic University (2001, 2016, 2020,2021)as well as from the Global Business and Technology Association, USA, in 2018, notably, the "Fellow Award for Outstanding Scholarship & Commitment".
In 2020 she was decorated by the Finnish Government with the Order of the Lion of Finland as Commander..

Thyago Szoke

Thyago Szoke Medeiros Carneiro

Thyago is a multitasking attorney with experience in a variety of sectors of the economy, such as agribusiness, automotive, civil aviation, beverages, cosmetics, engineering and construction, financial, investments, project consultancy, services, chemical and retail.

He holds a Law degree from Rio Branco, a Marketing degree from ESPM and an M.B.A. from FGV/University of California. Thyago founded his own law firm specialized in Civil, Corporate, Digital, Environmental, Family and International Laws, as well as in Compliance, Contracts, Mergers and Acquisitions and Business Succession.

Thyago is also the former Executive Secretary of FinnCham Brazil.


Phone Number
(11) 99401-6677
Timo Haakana
Business Sector

Senior Executive with more than 20 years of experience in the management of the following areas: Accounting, Auditing, Controlling, Tax, Treasury, Budget, and Finance

Phone Number
Email Address
Tommi Vuorinen

Tommi Vuorinen is a former diplomat, who served as a Consul of Finland in São Paulo from 2017
to 2019. Before that he served as a Deputy Head of Mission at the Finnish Embassy in Tehran, Iran.
At the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Helsinki he served at the Unit for Russia and at the Unit for
International Environmental Policy.
After leaving diplomacy, Mr. Vuorinen has worked as an investor and futures trader in Brazil and
He holds a Master of Arts degree in East Asian Studies from the University of Helsinki. He has also
succesfully passed all 3 levels of CFA exam by the CFA Institute.

Phone Number
+55 (12) 99710-6868
Business Sector

AFRY operates in Brazil under the Pöyry brand.

Pöyry Brazil brings together international and local expertise to develop consulting and engineering projects for many different sectors of the economy.

Operating in the Brazilian market since 1969, Pöyry is an international engineering, design and consulting company, which operates in various industrial sectors, including pulp & paper, energy, mining & metals, forest-based industries, food and infrastructure.

What makes Pöyry stand out is that it seamlessly combines the knowledge and close collaboration of its professionals in Brazil and abroad with teams of customers and suppliers to offer intelligent, effective, profitable and sustainable solutions. Its broad portfolio of services covers all stages of a project, from its development and implementation, to support during its operation. Pöyry has proven expertise, a multidisciplinary team and a sound understanding of the strategies, markets and technologies available to enable the successful implementation of even the most diverse projects.


Fabio Fonseca, Country Manager Brazil

Phone Number
+55 11 3472-6955
Business Address
Avenida Alfredo Egídio de Souza Aranha, 100 – Bloco B - 5o Andar
São Paulo - SP
Avant Tecno

Avant Tecno is the world's leading manufacturer of high-class compact loaders with their accessories and options. The company was founded in 1991 and over the years has become a concept thanks to its various innovative solutions. The Avant factory is located in Ylöjärvi, Finland. Avant has sales offices in the United States, Germany, United Kingdom and Brazil and import partners in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Phone Number
+55 12 996 344 272
Business Address
Avant Tecno do Brasil Máquinas e Equipamentos Ltda
Rodovia Geraldo Scavone 2730, Jardim Califórnia, Jacareí, SP, Brasil

Business Finland

Business Finland is the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, investment, and travel promotion. Business Finland has 40+ offices globally dedicated to supporting businesses around the world.

As a part of the Team Finland Network, Business Finland fosters growth by helping Finnish businesses go global and by supporting and funding innovations. Their task in Brazil is to build bridges and win-win partnerships between private companies and government organizations from both countries to generate new lucrative business. Services are designed for companies aiming for bold business growth and renewal on international markets.

Business Finland office in Brazil offers free-of-charge services for internationalization in the following areas:

Advice for global growth and target market;
Access to business contacts and group visits;
Advice on local business culture and behaviour;
Market information (studies, opportunities).



Advisor (Energy, Bioeconomy, General Market Advice)
Sao Paolo, Brazil
natalia.araujo (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 93354-6015


Senior Advisor (Health, ICT, Mining, General Market Advice)
Sao Paolo, Brazil
joao.bordon (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 93372-6007


Senior Advisor
Sao Paulo, Brazil
marcelo.guimaraes (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 9811 73780


Senior Advisor (Bioeconomy, ICT, General Market Advice)
Sao Paolo, Brazil
matti.landin (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 12 99744-4762


Senior Director, Head of Region
Sao Paolo, Brazil
heidi.virta (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 97851-8118


Talent Manager
Sao Paolo, Brazil
alessandra.leone (at) businessfinland.fi
tel. +55 11 9439 65487

Phone Number
+55 12 9 9744 4762
Business Address
Business Finland Brazil
Alameda Ministro Rocha Azevedo, 38, Conjunto 204 – Cerqueira César
CEP: 01410-001 – São Paulo, SP

Sao José dos Campos
Carlos De Figueiredo Neto

Carlos is a seasoned leader who has more than 20 years of global Business to Business experience in telecommunications, information technology and renewable energy industries. He has been based in Finland since 1998.

He holds dual citizenship, Finnish and Brazilian. He acquired two Master´s degrees: M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration / Finance (University of Oulu / Finland) and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering / Computer Architecture (University of São Paulo / Brazil). 

Throughout his career, Carlos has led large projects and business covering:

• Technology product strategy and sales development

• New technology business development

• Strategic and business development engagements with high profile corporate executives (Directors, SVPs, CTOs, CIOs and CEOs)

• Profit & Loss

• Change management

Phone Number
+358 40 8052088
Embassy of Brazil in Helsinki

The Embassy of Brazil in Helsinki is the main diplomatic representation of the government and the people of Brazil in Finland. It has jurisdiction over the territory of Finland.


Ambassador Luís Antonio Balduíno Carneiro

Phone Number
+358 (0) 9 684 1500
Business Address
Itäinen Puistotie 4 B 1 Helsinki - Finland / Suomi
Embassy Of Finland
Business Sector

The Finnish embassies and consulates are generally located around the world promote the interests of Finland and Finns abroad. The embassy is handling the general political tasks and they are working with the official tasks.

In addition, they are an integral part of the network of Finnish activities in the host country.

The missions handle, among others:

foreign policy
trade policy
development cooperation
Finland’s representation in other countries and international organizations
public diplomacy
consular services
citizens’ services.


Jouko Leinonen, Ambassador

Phone Number
+55 61 344 371 51
Business Address
Avenida das Nações
SES-Qd 807, Lt 27
70417-900, Brasília, DF
Business Sector

Evac is the world’s leading provider of integrated water and waste management systems, as well as corrosion-protection systems, for the marine, offshore, and building industries. Evac is the world’s leading provider of vacuum collection systems, wastewater treatment systems, fresh water generation systems, dry and wet waste treatment systems, marine growth prevention systems, and corrosion protection systems. Their cutting-edge solutions and services have been helping leading global players in these industries to significantly reduce their environmental footprint for 40 years.
Cyril Bernard

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 11 96202-0511
Email Address
Business Address
Alameda Campinas, 463
01404-902,Jardim Paulista, SP

Foreign Business Development (FbD) aims to prepare, monitor and, eventually, manage branches of companies interested in developing in the Brazilian market for foreign companies, and abroad for Brazilian companies. FbD, with fifty years of experience, implementing and managing industries, commercial and/or service companies, in multiple sectors, knows how to customize its work to the needs of its customers and the peculiarities of each market, counting when necessary with partners in over 40 countries.

The company has in its portfolio projects from the most varied sectors such as chemistry for health; electronics for satellites, aeronautics and submarines; technology transfer (computers; automobile sector); luxury textile industry; logistics ; tourism (construction of a marina); testing laboratory ; business consulting ; engineering ; construction ; sanitation ; film production; bakery and winemaking; between others.



Jean-Pierre Bernard

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 (11) 5181-6811 +55 (11) 99221-7556
Fernando Campos

Fernando Campos is a senior executive with over 27 years of experience, working in Finnish multinationals in Latin America (AGCO/Valtra and PONSSE). At PONSSE, he worked from the company’s inception in Brazil and Latin America, establishing and consolidating local operations, and has extensive experience in the agroforestry sector.

He holds a postgraduate degree in Business Administration from EASP – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, with an international extension from Cambridge University.

Phone Number
+55 11 91739-1602
Finnish Consulate in São Paulo
Business Sector

The Finnish mbassies and consulates are generally located around the world promote the interests of Finland and Finns abroad. The embassy is handling the general pollical tasks and they are working with the official tasks.

Consular missions refer to consulates general, consulates, and offices under the administration of a consulate general, headed by a career official, or honorary consulates, led by an honorary consul.

In addition, they are an integral part of the network of Finnish activities in the host country.



Lasse Keisalo, Consulate of Finland

Phone Number
+55 11 97732 3777
Business Address
Alameda Ministro Rocha Azevedo, 38 Conj. 203
Bela Vista
01410-001 São Paulo - SP

Hobeco is a Vaisala partner that provides meteorological monitoring technology, adaptable to all types of climates. Hobeco operates in aviation, meteorology, hydrology, renewable energy and many other industries. Hobeco services include equipment integration, installation and maintenance, systems and stations, software and hardware training, and preventive maintenance. Vaisala’s reliable and economical systems and technologies have been implemented all over the world.
Gilson Lima Feitosa, Diretor

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 21 2518-2237
Email Address
Business Address
Ladeira Me. de Deus, 13
20221-090 Gamboa
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Huhtamaki is is a global packaging specialist that focuses on making circular and sustainable packaging. The company operates in 36 countries around world manufacturing a wide range of packaging products.  Their products include packaging for food, beverages, household and personal care items among many other products.

Huhtamaki has a plant that produces fiber packaging in Palmeira City.  They also operate trough their subsidiary Laminor, that focuses on producing tube laminates for the oral and beauty care market in North and South America.
Daniel Winocur, General Manager

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 - (0) 41 3661 1297 ou +55 42 3252 8000
Business Address
BR-376, KM 67 - Pavilhão 2
84130-000 Palmeira, PR
Business Sector

ICEYE is a world leader in the New Space segment. The company manufactures and operates the largest SAR constellation in the world, empowering its commercial and government customers with unmatched persistent monitoring capabilities for any location on Earth.

ICEYE’s technology delivers multi-mode imaging and unrivaled coverage, both day and night, in any weather condition.

We help our customers to make informed, data-driven decisions to address time-critical challenges in multiple sectors such as environment, mining, oil & gas, forestry, natural catastrophe response and recovery, security, defense and intelligence.

ICEYE sells SAR data, mission systems and solutions to Governments, national agencies and to the private sector. The company has a growing reputation for delivering innovation and real value to its customers.

Headquartered in Espoo, Finland, ICEYE has a dedicated team based in Brazil to serve its growing Latin American customer base.

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 61 99256 9794
Business Address
No physical office in Brazil
João Bordon

João Bordon

Career civil servant and policy specialist with 10+ years of experience in public policy-related fields across different industries. Brazil-based Senior Advisor of Business Finland.

Certificate in Governability, Political Management, and Public Management from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP)/Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). Extension courses at Saint Paul Business School and Aalto University.


Phone Number
(021 11) 98942-2882
Marcos Jarne

Marcos Jarne

Marcos Jarne has more than 15 years of experience in law practice and in business deals (fintech, banking, capital markets, M&A, VC/PE investments).

Marcos has worked in prominent law firms in Brazil (Pinheiro Neto, Machado Meyer) and in Europe (Spain, Italy). His work experience includes the family office and venture capital firm of investors who control international companies (publicly traded and privately held) as well as Nubank, a leading fintech in Latin America.

Law degree from PUC-SP (Brazil) and postgraduate studies in finance at Insper (Brazil). Executive Education at Harvard Law School and at MIT.



Maxwill Braga

Max holds a master's degree in Finland, he studied Education and Globalization at the University of Oulu in 2010-12. He graduated in International Relations from the University of Brasilia. He has experience with facilitation; implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational programs; management of projects; and team leadership. From 2014-2016 he coordinated the Finnish program muuvit.com in Brazil that reached 20.000 students and 600 teachers.   
Also in 2014, he became part of the Lemann Foundation Talents of Education network in Brazil. He is a member of the international community of Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations. In 2018, he carried out a traineeship as an associated facilitator in the Organizational Performance Group in Connecticut USA. 
Currently, Max is the founder of Kaordico Facilitation. He leads AprenDi, which the main service is to co-create learning environments for organizations to improve how to work in a creative and collaborative way using the methodology Diagonal Learning. 
Max is also an artist. His heart beats faster for Drama and Theatrical Direction. He is also an amateur in painting and poetry.
For him: “… the human being is infinitely creative. It is a pity that formal education provides so little space for experimentation and creativity.”

Phone Number
(41) 9979 89799
Business Sector

Metso is a frontrunner in sustainable technologies, end-to-end solutions and services for the aggregates, minerals processing, metals refining and recycling industries globally. Metso is a unique company in its industry, with strengths in technology and R&D, product and process excellence, and scale, as well as its global service offering footprint. In Brazil, Metso Outotec has several locations and distributors that operate in mining, aggregates and metal refining.

Marcelo Motti, Vice president of Sales

Website Address
Phone Number
(15) 2102-1300
Business Address
Avenida Independência 2500
Bairro Iporanga
18087-101, Sorocaba, SP
Business Sector

Normet is a fast-growing and innovative technology company. Normet helps their mining and tunnelling partners to continuously improve their processes, increase the safety and productivity of their underground activities, and improve the sustainability of their operations. Their underground offering includes equipment, construction chemicals, rock reinforcement, and a range of different services.

Odilon Mendes, Managing Director

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 (31) 2511-9511
Business Address
Rua Clemente Aníbal Branco, 425
Dist. Ind. Dr Hélio Pentagna Guimarães
Contagem, Minas Gerais
32113-491 Contagem, MG
One Elevadores

ONE Elevadores has a national network for maintenance of elevators and escalators multi-brand market. Present in several states of Brazil.

KONE is the world's largest elevator manufacturer and has more than 1,500,000 pieces of equipment in its maintenance.Through ONE, its exclusive distributor in Brazil, it extends all this experience and technology to your condominium.

Phone Number
+55 0 61 3036 1112
Business Address
SHS Quadra 6 Conjunto A Bloco C Sala 702
Asa Sul Brasilia DF
CEP 70316-109
Patrick Rajala

Patrick Rajala

Patrick Rajala is a Brazilian-Finnish associate lawyer at Pinheiro Neto Advogados based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has joined the firm in 2017. Patrick serves local and international clients from different industries and segments on tax consulting and litigation issues. He focuses his practice on tax and social security law issues in administrative and court disputes.

Patrick has a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Catholic University School of Law, Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), and is a Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro.


Phone Number
(21) 98227-1981

Pemamek is a global welding and production automation provider. The company is specialized in designing and manufacturing automated systems for heavy metal industries. Founded in 1970, the company is a family-owned limited company with solid finances (AAA-rated company).

Website Address
Phone Number
 +55 113442 4451
Business Address
Rua Alameda de Jequitibas 138 CEP 06542-275 Santana de Parnaíba, SP


Ponsse is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of forest machines. The product range covers all size categories of forest machines, from first thinning and the harvesting of forest energy to heavy-duty regeneration felling, as well as all logging sites, from soft soil to steep slopes. All the machines are manufactured in their factory located in Vierämä, Finland.



Fernando Campos, Managing Director

Website Address
Phone Number
+ 55 11 4795-4600
Business Address
R. Joaquim Nabuco, 115 - Vila Nancy
08735-120, Mogi das Cruzes
Business Sector

Pro4Edu is a nucleus of academics aimed to provide technological interaction to the classroom, through digital pedagogical resources developed by specialists around the world. Our pillars for the selection of digital applications are: a proven increase in student learning, professors' adherence to ease their daily activities, and the delivery of a superior value proposition to institutions, to increase student retention and acquisition. With that in mind we've chosen Finland as our main partner to bring solutions for the Brazilian market, so as to strengthen the Finnish recognition focused on education.


Alexandre Merofa - Director

Tel. +55 11 99393-4147

email address [email protected]

Maurício Rodrigues - Chefe de operações de negócios

tel. +55 (11) 99816-1145

email address [email protected]

Website Address
Business Address
Avenida Marquês de São Vicente 576 - 20 andar, conjunto 2008
01139-000 São Paulo
São Paulo - Brasil
Renato Pacheco Neto

Renato Pacheco Neto


President EUROCAMARAS-CAE, Chairman EBO-WWN, Honorary Consul General of Sweden, VP Yingke, LatAm BM Alliuris, Legal Affairs Director of Swedcham, Board Legal Advisor of Danish Trade Council.


Phone Number
(11) 98145-4395
Email Address
Samuli Seilonen

Samuli Seilonen

Samuli is currently the Area Sales Director for Latin America & the Caribbean at Mantsinen. Master of Science in International Business from the Helsinki School of Economics, Samuli has a consulting background with almost 15 years at Finpro (current Business Finland) in Spain, Portugal and Brazil. He is specialized in developing sales and distribution channels for Finnish companies in the Portuguese & Spanish speaking world.


Phone Number
(11) 99875-7662

Techtools operates in a network model that gathers information about key health players, promoting business and partnerships in a win-win model for all actors in the chain. Techtools integrates healthcare value chain services and processes leading to the best innovations, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Their solutions personalize patient access and facilitate the connection of legacy systems with future technologies, ensuring efficient management vision, ecosystem governance and the installation of culture across the entire value chain.



Jeff Plentz, CEO

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 11 2495-3020
Business Address
R. Casa do Ator, 1.117,room 173, Vl. Olímpia
04546-004, São Paulo, SP

Tecnotree is the only full-stack digital BSS provider with over 40 years of deep domain knowledge, proven delivery and transformation capability across the globe. Tecnotree helps customers to monetize and transform their business towards a marketplace of digital services. Their products are used to establish a dynamic ecosystem that offers highly relevant solutions to people.



Armando Martinez, Vice President of
Regional LATAM

Website Address
Phone Number
+55 11 99212 0677
Business Address
Rua Vitorino de Morais, 139
Chácara Santo Antonio
04714-020 São Paulo, SP
Thyago Szoke

Thyago Szoke Medeiros Carneiro

Thyago is a multitasking attorney with experience in a variety of sectors of the economy, such as agribusiness, automotive, civil aviation, beverages, cosmetics, engineering and construction, financial, investments, project consultancy, services, chemical and retail.

He holds a Law degree from Rio Branco, a Marketing degree from ESPM and an M.B.A. from FGV/University of California. Thyago founded his own law firm specialized in Civil, Corporate, Digital, Environmental, Family and International Laws, as well as in Compliance, Contracts, Mergers and Acquisitions and Business Succession.

Thyago is also the former Executive Secretary of FinnCham Brazil.


Phone Number
(11) 99401-6677
Timo Haakana
Business Sector

Senior Executive with more than 20 years of experience in the management of the following areas: Accounting, Auditing, Controlling, Tax, Treasury, Budget, and Finance

Phone Number
Email Address

Vaisala is a global leader in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements.  Their measurement solutions are used for example to forecast weather or staying ahead of power outages. They are a reliable partner for customers around the world, offering a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement products and services.



Daniel S. Da Silva, Director

Phone Number
+55 21 2263 3006
Business Address
Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos 54 / 901
20020-010 Rio de Janeiro
Veracel Celulose S.A.
Business Sector

Veracel Celulose is a Brazilian bioeconomy company and we produce pulp sustainably from eucalyptus fiber. Altogether, our operations cover 11 municipalities on the Discovery Coast in the extreme south of Bahia. Our shareholders are the Brazilian company Suzano and the Swedish-Finnish Stora Enso, both with tradition in the production of pulp and paper.

Phone Number
Business Address
Rodovia BA 275, Km 24, S/N, Fazenda Brasilândia, Eunápolis/BA - Caixa Postal 21