Business Sector

Pro4Edu is a nucleus of academics aimed to provide technological interaction to the classroom, through digital pedagogical resources developed by specialists around the world. Our pillars for the selection of digital applications are: a proven increase in student learning, professors' adherence to ease their daily activities, and the delivery of a superior value proposition to institutions, to increase student retention and acquisition. With that in mind we've chosen Finland as our main partner to bring solutions for the Brazilian market, so as to strengthen the Finnish recognition focused on education.


Alexandre Merofa - Director

Tel. +55 11 99393-4147

email address [email protected]

Maurício Rodrigues - Chefe de operações de negócios

tel. +55 (11) 99816-1145

email address [email protected]

Website Address
Business Address
Avenida Marquês de São Vicente 576 - 20 andar, conjunto 2008
01139-000 São Paulo
São Paulo - Brasil

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