
Welcome to a webinar : CASOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO de Inteligência Artificial na Perspectiva Finlandesa. We will welcome the moderator of the event, Maxwill Braga and the panellists : Carlos Eduardo [...]

Café com a Embaixadora

February 22, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

FinnCham Brazil wants to invite you to the Café com a Embaixadora, Thursday 22nd of February! This Café com a Embaixadora will be organised in a hybrid way .

1st Conference: The Nordics and Latin America

December 11, 2023 - December 12, 2023

​The conference The Nordics and Latin America is the first conference ever organized on Nordics-Latin America on a regular basis, bringing together the most relevant institutions from both regions and [...]

Networking Cocktail with Finncham Brazil

November 8, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

To conclude the activities of 2023 on a high note, at 12:00 PM, we will have a Finnish cocktail with award-winning wines and sparkling wines at the same location as [...]

Brunch with the Ambassador

November 8, 2023 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

The last "Coffee with the Ambassador" of 2023 will be a "Brunch"! At the end of the discussions, we invite everyone present, as well as the new members of FinnCham, [...]

ESG Connections: Exploring Paths of Corporate Impact

October 26, 2023 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

This event is a unique opportunity to learn, collaborate, and grow with entrepreneurs who share your vision of a more sustainable and ethical business world. At our event, you will: [...]

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Personal happiness and corporate happiness are closely connected and mutually beneficial. Feelings of fulfillment and well-being boost professionals' commitment, engagement, and loyalty to their organization, ultimately contributing to its success. [...]

Breakfast with Ambassador Johanna Karanko

September 26, 2023 @ 9:30 am - 11:40 pm

The Ambassador of Finland, Johanna Karanko and the President of FinnCham Brazil, Sergio Chamone, want to invite you again this year to the Café com a Embaixadora on Tuesday September [...]

Welcome to this hybrid Q&A session hosted by the Swedish Brazilian Chamber of Commerce joining other Nordic Chambers of Commerce in Brazil: Finland, Norway, and Denmark. We will welcome Jan [...]

Breakfast with Ambassador Johanna Karanko

July 11, 2023 @ 9:30 am - 11:00 am

The Ambassador of Finland, Johanna Karanko and the President of FinnCham Brazil, Sergio Chamone, want to invite you again this year to the Café com a Embaixadora on Tuesday July [...]

Festa FinnCham – 10 anos

June 9, 2022 @ 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Save the date: Festa FinnCham - 10 anos Local: Auditório do Consulado da Finlândia em São Paulo Data: 09/Jun/2022 Horário: 17:30-19:30   Add event to calendar

The Ambassador of Finland, Jouko Leinonen and the President of FinnCham Brazil, Sergio Chamone, want to invite you to the Café com o Embaixador, Thursday 9th of June!

Café com o Embaixador

April 6, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

The Ambassador of Finland, Jouko Leinonen and the President of FinnCham Brazil, Sergio Chamone, want to invite you to the Café com o Embaixador, Thursday 6th of April! This Café [...]

Queremos convidá-lo(a) a participar do evento virtual de Matchmaking e Áreas Estratégicas Prioritárias no dia 15 de março, de 16h00 às 18h00 via Zoom. Esta é uma oportunidade para você [...]

Café com o Embaixador

February 3, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

The Ambassador of Finland, Jouko Leinonen and the President of FinnCham Brazil, Sergio Chamone, want to invite you to the first Café com o Embaixador of 2022, Thursday 3rd of [...]

Amazonia in Loco

November 9, 2021 - November 11, 2021

 The environmental issue is a central theme on everyone's agenda and, within it, the Amazon has been occupying a prominent place. In order to discuss this topic, nothing better [...]

Café com o Embaixador

August 11, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 10:45 am

O Embaixador da Finlândia, Sr. Jouko Leinonen e o Presidente da FinnCham, Sr. Sergio Chamone, convidam para um Café da Manhã Virtual via Microsoft Teams. Quarta, 11/8, das 9.00h às [...]

Café com o Embaixador

March 10, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am

O Embaixador da Finlândia, Sr. Jouko Leinonen e o Presidente da FinnCham, Sr. Sergio Chamone, convidam para um Café da Manhã Virtual via Microsoft Teams. Quarta, 10/3, das 9.00h às [...]

Leaderhip Monthly Meeting

February 4, 2021 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Prezados(as) Diretores e Presidentes de Comitês, Gostaria lhes convidar para nossa primeira reunião do ano! f dia 4/02, de 16:30 a 18:30. Agenda: - ‪16:30- 16:40: Abertura - Sergio Chamone. [...]

Café da Manhã 20/01/2021

January 20, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am

O Embaixador da Finlândia, Sr. Jouko Leinonen e o Presidente da FinnCham, Sr. Sergio Chamone, convidam para um Café da Manhã Virtual via Microsoft Teams. Quarta-feira, 20/01, das 9.00h às [...]

Café com o Embaixador

November 11, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 10:15 am

O Embaixador da Finlândia, Sr. Jouko Leinonen e o Presidente da FinnCham, Sr. Sergio Chamone, convidam para um Café da Manhã Virtual via Microsoft Teams. Quarta-feira, 11/11, das 9.00h às [...]

Leadership Monthly Meeting

November 5, 2020 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Agenda: - ‪16:30- 16:40: Abertura Sergio Chamone: status de Eurocamaras e Workshop Amazônia - ‪16:40- 17:30: Deployment do Planejamento do Team-Finland e o papel da Finncham - ‪17:30-17:40: Status transição [...]

Café com o Embaixador

October 8, 2020 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

O Embaixador da Finlândia, Sr. Jouko Leinonen e o Presidente da FinnCham, Sr. Sergio Chamone, convidam para um Café da Manhã Virtual via Microsoft Teams. Quinta-feira, 8/10, das 15h às [...]

Desenvolvendo uma série de iniciativas para promover atividades e incentivar ações que contribuam para aumentar a produtividade das empresas, FINNCHAM-BR, através de seu Comitê para Digitalização em parceria com SENAI-SP e NOKIA, tem a [...]