Why Join


FinnCham connects you to the right people, services and resources. Meet potential business partners and clients through introductions and referrals or network in numerous different events. Our network covers not only the Finnish community but also various local and international actors.


Expand your network in numerous business and social events organised by FinnCham. Learn more and share your knowledge in seminars, round table discussions and key note speeches on current topics. Entertain guests and meet new contacts at cocktail parties, dinners or traditional celebrations such as the National Day of Finland in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, Gravalax & Wines Brunch and Breakfast with the Embassador.


Share your news and stories with our network of Finnish, international and local Brazilian actors! Through our non-stop Team Finland WhatsApp group, Finncham Twitter, LinkedIn and our website we can help you to increase the visibility of your company by reaching a wide range of target customers, collaboration partners and companies.


We can contribute to lobby your agenda to influence your business environment in Brazil through Finncham’s Committees, Embassy and Consulate channels, Business Finland, as well as via our influential members that hold important positions in forums, associations and committees.


FinnCham collaborates with numerous chambers of commerce, Eurocamaras, Finncham Finland and others around the world. We can help you to widen your audience or connect with the right people inside and outside the Finnish community.


Keep up to date with what is happening in Brazil and in the Finnish community. Be the first to discover new business opportunities between Finland and Brazil and share your own news with our international network.

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