On the “International Women’s Day”, the President of FinnCham Brazil, Sergio Chamone, spoke at the Brazilian War College (Escola Superior de Guerra) about gender equality.

In his reflection he recalled the fact that throughout history women have been deprived of education, jobs, leadership positions as well as having a say in the destinies of their countries.

He highlighted that even today there is a wide spectrum that separates anachronistic societies such as those in Afghanistan and Iran from the most egalitarian in the world, such as those in the Nordic Countries.

He exemplified that in Finland, practically half of the seats in parliament are occupied by women, 50% of Embassies in the world are headed by women and 30% of companies listed on its Stock Exchange have women as CEOs!

He ended by quoting Zeynalabdin Taghiyev (1838 – 1924), from Azerbaijan, who, although illiterate, was a successful businessman and had invested part of his fortune in the education of girls in his country, saying “whoever educates the girl, educates a nation”.