The digital version of our book “Finncham 10 anos” has been released!

The Brazil-Finland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, known as Finncham Brazil and founded by Jan Jarne, is celebrating its first ten years of existence in the year 2022.

The Brazil-Finland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, known as Finncham Brazil and founded by Jan Jarne, is celebrating its first ten years of existence in the year 2022.

As a tribute to this milestone, this book brings together texts from prominent figures in the Finnish-Brazilian business community, historical photographs of the early Finnish pioneers in Brazil, and some of the records of Finncham’s journey since 2012 aimed at promoting bilateral business. The book also includes the current list of companies and individual members who believed in the importance of the collaborative work carried out by Finncham, with the support of other organizations that make up Team Finland, during Finncham’s first decade.

Our business is networking! Together, we are stronger!

Published: 2022

Edition Number: 2

Author: Brazil Finland Chamber of Commerce Finncham Brazil

Publishing Rights: Brazil Finland Chamber of Commerce Finncham Brazil

Language: Portuguese (BR)

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